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Clinical Evaluation Procedure
The clinical evaluation procedure explains the entire clinical evaluation process beginning from the scope and plan through the CER. The procedure is compliant with EN ISO 13485:2016, MDD, MDR 2017/745, and Meddev 2.7/1 Rev.4.
The clinical evaluation procedure gives detailed instructions on:
- Defining the scope and plan of a clinical evaluation;
- Identification of pertinent data;
- literature search and reviews;
- Appraisal of pertinent data;
- Analysis of clinical data;
- Generating a CER.
CER Procedure is a document that instructs other members of the team or employees (QA/RA) on executing multiple activities to carry out medical device clinical evaluation in line with MDR and Meddev 2.7/1 Rev.4. The procedure describes the sequence of steps and specifies for each step what needs to be done when to be done and what to be documented and reported.
Clinical Evaluation Procedure as per EN ISO 13485:2016
Clause 3.3 states that clinical evaluation assessment and analysis of clinical data pertaining to a medical device mandates to verify the clinical safety and performance of the device when used as intended by the manufacturer.
Clause 7.3.7 design and development validation state that the organization should perform a clinical evaluation of medical devices in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements.
Clinical Evaluation Procedure as per MDD
As per Annex X, to establish compliance with the essential requirements concerning the characteristics and performance of the medical devices, an SOP for CER should be written and completed with pertinent scientific literature currently available based on the intended purposes and techniques associated with the medical devices and its use.
Clinical Evaluation Procedure as per MDR 2017/745
As per Article 5, section 3 of Placing on the Market and putting into service, the manufacturer must demonstrate compliance with the general safety and performance requirements of the medical devices and should include a clinical evaluation in accordance with Article 61.
As per article 10, section 3 of General Obligation, it is mandatory that the manufacturer should conduct a clinical evaluation by the requirements set out in Article 61 and Annex XIV, including PMCF.
As per article 61(10), the manufacturer ought to plan, conduct, and document clinical evaluation in detail throughout the life cycle of medical devices in accordance with this article and part A of Annex XIV and should be updated with the clinical data obtained from PMCF plan by Part B of Annex XIV and the post-market surveillance plan referred to in Article 84.
Ready to use CER Templates
Our team of technical experts and managers worked for many months and developed a set of documents (procedures and templates) in line with MDR article 61 and MEDDEV 2.7/1 rev 4. We started selling these documents online in Dec 2019. These editable and easy customizable word files are good for those who do not have time to spend time on guidance.
Significant objective evidence is produced as part of the CER.
The following is the significant evidence generated
- Clinical Evaluation Plan
- Clinical Evaluation Report
- Data Retrieved from Manufacturer
- Literature Search and Review Plan
- Literature Search and Review Report
- Demonstration of Equivalence
- Clinical Data Appraisal Plan
- Appraisal of Pertinent Data
- Analysis of Clinical Data
- Clinical Evaluation Procedure
Who can create a good CER?
The experience and knowledge of individuals participating in the documentation are the foundation of the overall quality of CER. A qualified reviewer or a medical writer/consultant with experience writing and answering to notified bodies can write a good CER.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does I3CGLOBAL provides Clinical Evaluator Service?
Is the Clinical Evaluation Plans for Legacy Device is different?
No exemption is allowed for legacy devices
MDCG 2020-6 Appendix II provides the minimum information expected for legacy device CER